…and Back Again: Notes from the Dead Letter Office

The lonely, lost, and lovely
bleeding all the same,
never shall they meet
the unknown abomination
Knocked up, throw down

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The soul has a swagger
A deep undecided bloated falsehood
Emptiness so thirsty
never fond of timing
The age, the amount
providing worth, dances with me
amazed into the time stupidly
angered into the path of joy

Born unto ourselves
then putting your shoulder to an idea
Without popping, making messes
Leaving stains
that have to be cleaned up
release again lost lacking light
judged from, with, and by others
tried and trying harder
trial and error
ideas within ideas

Favor me
in this gambit of earthly desire
A real smile
I’m going to be the Queen of all whores
unannounced warm endorsement
the eyes and ears
brains and brawn
learning nothing
on hopes of keeping young

Wonderful myopic accelerant
belief in the best
masked with hurtful intent
Those good ol’ times
seemingly endless possibilities

Littered with beauty and
keen instability
an intellectual torrent meal
rich creative bliss
yet balance and stabilization
send post cards from reality
nothing more than vulgarity
in times of greater designs

Blueprints of cold hearted lust
envelopes of time contracting
sources of light
expanding to infinite liability
on our death beds
quiet as mice

(Monday, April 13, 2009)